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The CAE team is working on measurements and studies of reactive species (gaseous and particulate) which can potentially impact health (air quality), ecosystems and more generally climate.
Chemistry of Atmosphere (Experimental)
The ICOS-ATC team regroups CEA, CNRS and UVSQ personnel that make up the Atmospheric Thematic Center of ICOS at LSCE.
The ICOS-RAMCES team has a double mission. The team ensures the long-term monitoring of greenhouse gases (CO2, CH4, N2O) over a network of 16 stations in France and globally. This represent the main part of the French Service National d'Observation ICOS Atmosphère.
Impacts Geochemistry
The GEDI team (l’équipe de GEochimie Des Impacts) uses geochemistry (e.g. stable and radioactive isotopes, elemental composition) to investigate the impact of human activities on material transfers (e.g.
The activities of LSCE about the inverse problem are at the crossroads between statistical modelling, physical modelling and measurement processing.
Inverse modelling for atmospheric and satellite measurements
Modeling the Continental Surfaces and Interfaces
The MOSAIC-BIOGEO team: Modelling of Continental Surfaces and Interfaces Scientific objectives of the team: The MOSAIC team brings together scientists and engineers working on terrestrial biosphere modelling and the study of land-atmosphere exchanges.
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