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Cryosphere and Sea-Level Science from numerical modeling with the Ice Sheet and Sea-Level System Model
Eric Larour
NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory
Jeudi 30/09/2021, 11:00-12:00
Bât. 714, P. 1129 Visio Zoom, LSCE Orme des Merisiers

The Ice Sheet and Sea-Level System Model team at the NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory has been working for the past decade on improving projections of sea-level rise in a changing climate using a wide array a parameterizations and process representations compiled into the ISSM framework and calibrated/validated using NASA mission data. Our approach is based on heavy use of data assimilation towards understanding what constraints are needed to capture the evolution of ice streams, bedrock uplift, firn densification, grounding line and calving front dynamics, water runoff under ice streams, sea-level change including gravity, deformation and rotational feedbacks, ice/ocean and ice/atmosphere interactions, among others. Here, we will present a compilation of results from the ISSM team in the past 5 years that have been key in improving projections of sea-level change. We will also go through some of the current challenges facing our team and the cryospheric community.

About Eric Larour:

Dr. Larour is the Group Supervisor for the Sea-Level and Ice Group at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory since 2018. He has been a Cryosphere Scientist in the Earth Science section at JPL since 2014, and prior to that was a software engineer for scientific applications in the Mechanical Engineering section. He graduated from Ecole Centrale Paris (France ) in 2001 in Mechanical Engineering and carried out his research/PhD in collaboration between JPL and Ecole Centrale Paris on the subject of ice shelves and propagation of rifts (2005).  His main research interests focus on sea-level rise projections, and the contribution of polar ice sheets and other processes to sea-level change. He uses a wide range of modeling and data assimilation techniques using NASA mission data, and in particular is one of the co-authors and principal investigators of the Ice-Sheet and Sea-Level System Model (ISSM,, the NASA numerical model for projecting polar ice caps and sea-level in the 21st century.
Contact : Masa Kageyama
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