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Dominique Genty

Dynamique et archives du climat
Glaces et continents, climats et isotopes stables

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Directeur de Recherche au CNRS

Laboratoire des Science du Climat et de l'Environnement

L'Orme des Merisiers,

91191 Gif-sur-Yvette Cedex


                                                 MONITORING - HYDROLOGY - ARCHEOLOGY


Sujets de recherche

Etude des spéléothèmes (stalagmites, planchers stalagmititques) et des conditions environnementales actuelles en grotte pour reconstruire les paléoenvironnements et mieux connaître les processus d'infiltration et d'échanges en milieu karstique. Les isotopes stables, les éléments chimiques, la matière organique piégée, l'évolution du C mort, ainsi que les vitesses de croissance sont parmi les signaux utilisés pour reconstituer les paléoenvironnements. Certains spéléothèmes possèdent des lamines de croissance saisonnières (visibles, UV ou géochimiques) donnant alors une résolution annuelle aux transitions climatiques. Les isotopes de la calcite (d13C et d18O) ont enregistré les événements climatiques globaux tels que les transitions g/ig et les événements millénaires (DO, YD, BA). Ces marqueurs, alliés aux dates U/Th effectuées sur la calcite (jusqu’à 500 ka), nous donnent un enregistrement de l’évolution du climat à l'intérieur des continents, avec un chronologie absolue inégalée, au-moins pour les périodes antérieures à 40 ka, et apparaissent ainsi complémentaires des autres enregistrements. Actuellement nous développons l’aspect quantitatif du signal climatique en reconstituant la température de formation à partir de mesures de D47 et des isotopes dans les inclusions fluides sur des dépôts modernes naturels et artificiels (expérimentation de précipitation de calcite en conditions maîtrisées).

Parallèlement un réseau de stations de mesures souterraines a été mis en place, en France essentiellement, où sont mesurés T, pCO2, p-atmosph, débits, isotopes stables de l'eau d'infiltration et de l'eau de pluie au dessus des grottes. De longues séries de données climatiques et isotopiques (depuis 1996-->) sont ainsi constituées.

Grotte Villars (2).jpg

MONITORING IN FRANCE (Cave T, pCO2, drip rate,  d18Owcave, d18Owrain, air pressure)

With a collaboration with F. Bourges (GeConseil, St Girons)






Title   Authors   Source Title   Publication Year Volume Issue   Total Citations
Precise dating of Dansgaard-Oeschger climate oscillations in western Europe from stalagmite data   Genty, D; Blamart, D; Ouahdi, R; Gilmour, M; Baker, A; Jouzel, J; Van-Exter, S   NATURE   2003 421 6925   290
Testing theoretically predicted stalagmite growth rate with Recent annually laminated samples: Implications for past stalagmite deposition   Baker, A; Genty, D; Dreybrodt, W; Barnes, WL; Mockler, NJ; Grapes, J   GEOCHIMICA ET COSMOCHIMICA ACTA   1998 62 3   156
Annually laminated sequences in the internal structure of some Belgian stalagmites - Importance for paleoclimatology   Genty, D; Quinif, Y   JOURNAL OF SEDIMENTARY RESEARCH   1996 66 1   155
Timing and dynamics of the last deglaciation from European and North African delta C-13 stalagmite profiles - comparison with Chinese and South Hemisphere stalagmites   Genty, D.; Blamart, D.; Ghaleb, B.; Plagnes, V.; Causse, Ch.; Bakalowicz, M.; Zouari, K.; Chkir, N.; Hellstrom, J.; Wainer, K.; Bourges, F.   QUATERNARY SCIENCE REVIEWS   2006 25 17-18   117
Intra- and inter-annual growth rate of modern stalagmites   Genty, D; Baker, A; Vokal, B   CHEMICAL GEOLOGY   2001 176 1-4   116
Dead carbon in stalagmites: Carbonate bedrock paleodissolution vs. ageing of soil organic matter. Implications for C-13 variations in speleothems   Genty, D; Baker, A; Massault, M; Proctor, C; Gilmour, M; Pons-Branchu, E; Hamelin, B   GEOCHIMICA ET COSMOCHIMICA ACTA   2001 65 20   115
Drip flow variations under a stalactite of the Pere Noel cave (Belgium). Evidence of seasonal variations and air pressure constraints   Genty, D; Deflandre, G   JOURNAL OF HYDROLOGY   1998 211 1-4   98
Carbon transfer dynamics from bomb-C-14 and delta C-13 time series of a laminated stalagmite from SW France - Modelling and comparison with other stalagmite records.   Genty, D; Massault, M   GEOCHIMICA ET COSMOCHIMICA ACTA   1999 63 10   77
Fluorescence wavelength and intensity variations of cave waters   Baker, A; Genty, D   JOURNAL OF HYDROLOGY   1999 217 1-2   75
Applications of stalagmite laminae to paleoclimate reconstructions: Comparison with dendrochronology/climatology   Tan, Ming; Baker, Andy; Genty, Dominique; Smith, Claire; Esper, Jan; Cai, Binggui   QUATERNARY SCIENCE REVIEWS   2006 25 17-18   68







85 - Bolliet T., Brockmann P., Masson-Delmotte V., Bassinot F., Daux V., Genty D., Landais A., Lavrieux M., Michel E., Ortega P., Risi C., Roche D., Vimeux F., Waelbroeck C., 2016, « Water and carbon stbale isotope records from natural archives : a new databas and interactive online platform for data browsing, visualizing and downloading », Climate of the Past, 12: 1693-1719.

84 - Pleurdeau D., Moncel M.H., Pinhasi R., Yeshurun R., Higham T., Agapishvili T., Bokeria M., Muskhelishvili A., Le Burdonnec F.X., Nomade S., Poupeau G., Bocherens H., Frouin M., Genty D., Pons-Branchu E., Pierre M., Lordkipanidze D., Tushabramishvili N., 2016, Bondi Cave and the Midle-Upper Palaeolithic Transition in western Georgia (South Caucasus), JQSR, 146:77-98.

83 - Jaubert J*., Verheyden S*. , Genty D.* , Soulier M., Cheng H. , Blamart D. , Burlet Ch. , Camus H. , Delaby S. , Deldicque D.,  Edwards R.L. , Ferrier C., Lévêque F. , Maksud F. , Mora P. , Muth X. , Régnier E. , J.N. Rouzaud, Santos F. , 2016,  « Early Neandertal constructions deep in Bruniquel Cave in southwestern France”, Nature, 254:11-115. (* equally main authors).

82 - F. Bourges, P. Genthon, D. Genty, M. Lorblanchet, E. Mauduit, D. D'Hulst, E. David, J. L. Zimmerman, N. Ferrer. 2016,  'What should we do or not do for the preservation or remedial action in prehistoric painted caves?', R. G. Bednarik, D. Fiore, M. Basile, T. Huisheng. and G. Kumar .  eds Palaeoart and Materiality. The Scientific Study of Rock Art, pp.85-98, 2016, 978-1-78491-429-5

81 - Jaubert J., Genty D., Valladas H., Courtaud P., Ferrier C., Feruglio V., Fourment N., Konik S., Villotte S., Bourdier C., Costamagno S., Delluc M., Goutas N., Katnecker E., Klaric L., Langlais M., Ledoux L., Maksud F., O’Farrell M., Mallye J.B., Pierre M., Pons-Branchu E., Régnier E., Théry-Parisot I., 2016, The chronology of human and animal presence in the decorated and sepulchral cave of Cussac (France), in UISPP Quaternary International Burgos, Quaternary International. Volume 432, Part B, 8 March 2017, Pages 5-24.

80 - Nomade S., Genty D., Sasco R., Scao V., Feruglio V., Baffier D., Guillou H., Bourdier C., Valladas H.,  Regnier E., Debard E., Pastre J.F, Geneste J.M., 2016, A 36,000-year-old volcanic eruption depicted in the Chauvet-Pont d’Arc cave (Ardèche, France)? PLoS One, doi:10.1038/ngeo2608.

79 - Labuhn I., Daux V., Genty D., 2015, A multi-proxy approach to drought reconstruction, Quaternaire, 27/3 : 211-219.

78 - Ruan J., Kerbouche F., Genty D., Blamart D., Cheng H., Dewilde F., Hachi S., Edwards L., Regnier E., Michelot J.L., 2016, Evidence of a prolonged drought ca. 4200 yr BP correlated with prehistoric settlement abandonment from the Gueldaman GLD1 Cave, N-Algeria, Climate of the Past , 12 : 1–14.

77 - Govin A., Capron E., Tzedakis P.C., Verheyden S., Ghaleb B., Hillaire-Marcel C., St-Onge G., Stoner J.S., Bassinot F., Bazin L., Blunier T., Combourieu-Nebout N., El Ouahadi A., Genty D., Gersonde R., Jimenez-Amat P., Landais A., Martrat B., Masson-Delmotte V., Parrenin F., Seidenkrantz M.-S., Veres D., Waelbroeck C., Zahn R., 2015, Sequence of event from the onset to the demise of the Last Interglacial: Evaluating strength and limitations of chronologies used in climatic archives, Quaternary Science Reviews, 129, 1-36.

76 - Labuhn I., Genty D., Vonhof H., Bourdin C., Blamart D., Douville E., Ruan J., Cheng H., Edwards R.L., Pons-Branchu E., Pierre M. , 2015,   A high-resolution fluid inclusion delta O-80 record from a stalagmite in SW France: modern calibration and comparison with multiple proxies, Quaternary Science Review, 110: 152-165.

75 - Monney  J., Genty D., Hellstrom J., Jaillet S., Kaltnecker E., Lateur N. , Moreau Ch., Sadier B. , Stocchetti S. , Valladas H., 2014, La Grotte des Deux-Ouvertures à St-Martin-d’Ardèche : Approches chronométriques croisées de la mise en place du massif stalagmitique (U/Th et 14C AMS) et Implications quant aux fréquentations humaines et animales de la cavité, PALEO, special issue MADAPCA, pp 41-50.

74 - Beck L., Lebon M., Lahlil S., Grégoire S., OdinG., Rousselière H., Castaing J., Duran A., Vignaud C., Reiche I., Lambert E., Salomon H., Genty D., Chiotti L., Nespoulet R., Plassard F., Menu M., 2014, Analyse non destructive des pigments préhistoriques : de la grotte au laboratoire, PALEO, special issue MADAPCA, pp. 63-74.

73 - Bourges F.,  Mangin A., Genthon P., Genty D., D’Hulst D., Mauduit E., 2014,  Conservation et gestion des grottes ornées préhistoriques : les apports du suivi environnemental de la grotte Chauvet-Pont d’Arc (Vallon-Pont-d’Arc, Ardèche, France), PALEO, special issue MADAPCA, pp. 339-345.

72 - Moreno A., Svensson A., Brooks S J., Connors S., Engels S., Fletcher W., Genty D., Heiri O., Labuhn I.,  Persiou A., Peyron O., Sadori L., Valero-Garcés B., Wulf S., Zanchetta G. and data contributors., 2014,  A compilation of Western European terrestrial records 60-8 ka BP: towards an understanding of latitudinal climatic gradients, Quaternary Science Review, 106 : 167-185.

71 - Bourges F., Genthon P., Genty D., Lorblanchet M., Mauduit E., D’Hulst D., 2014, Conservation of prehistoric caves and stability of their inner climate: lessons from Chauvet and other French caves, Science of the Total Environment, 493 (2014) 79–91

70 - Hélène Valladas, Caroline Gauthier, Marine Gay, Dominique Genty, Evelyne Kaltnecker, Jean François Tannau, Dominique Bavay, Ingrid Caffi,Clotilde Comby, Emmanuelle Delque-Kolik, Jean-Pascal Dumoulin, Samira Ferkane,Christelle Souprayen, Christophe Moreau, 2014, Études chronologiques de sites ornés étudiés dans le cadre de l’ANR MADAPCA, In : Paillet P. dir., Les arts de la Préhistoire : micro-analyses, mises en contextes et conservation. « Micro-analyses et datations de l’art préhistorique dans son contexte archéologique », PALEO, special issue MADAPCA, pp 51-55.

69 - Genty D., Labuhn I., Hoffmann G., Danis P.A., Mestre O., Bourges F., Wainer K., Massault M., S. van Exter, Regnier E.,  Orengo Ph., Falourd S., Minster B., 2014, Seasonal and inter-annual variations of three long rainfall isotopic time series from South-France – Comparison with on site caves dripping water and REMOiso simulations, Geochimica et Cosmochimica  Acta, 131: 323-343.

68 - Labuhn I., Daux V., Pierre M., Stievenard M., Girardclos O., Féron A., Genty D., Masson-Delmotte V., Mestre O., 2013, Tree age, site and climate controls on tree ring cellulose d18O: A case study on oak trees from south-western France, Dendrochronologia, Volume: 32   Issue: 1   Pages: 78-89 .

67 - Valladas H., Kaltnecker E., Quiles A., Tisnerat-Laborde N., Genty D., Arnold M., Delqué-Kolic E., Moreau C., Baffier D., Cleyet-Merle J.J., Clottes J., Girard M., Monney J., Montes R., Sainz C., Sanchidrian J.L., Simonet R., 2013, Dating French and Spanish prehistoric decorated caves in their archaeological contexts, Radiocarbon, 55:1422-1431.

66 - Beck L., Genty D., Tereygeol F., Lahlil S., Lebon M., Vignaud C., Reiche I., Lambert E., Valladas H., Plassard F.,  Menu M., Paillet P., 2013, Non-destructive portable techniques for carbon in-situ screening before sampling for dating prehistoric rock paintings, Radiocarbon, 55:436-444.

65 - Sicre M.A., Siani G., Genty D., Kallel N., Essallami L., 2013, Seemingly divergent sea surface temperature proxy records in the central Mediterranean during the last deglaciation, Climate of the Past, vol.9, 3: 1375-1383.

64 - Genty D., Valladas H., Beck L., Téreygeol F., Delluc B., Delluc G., Régnier E., Baritaud Th., Hellstrom J.,  Blamart D., Gauthier C., Kaltnecker E., Moreau Ch., Dumoulin J.P., 2014, La grotte de Villars : données chronologiques de l’occupation humaine et contexte environnemental, Comptes Rendus PALEO, special issue MADAPCA, pp. 153-161.

63 - Casado M., Ortega P., Masson-Delmotte V., Risi C., Swingedouw D., Daux V., Genty D., Maignan F., Solomina O., Vinther B., Viovy N., Yion P., 2013, Impact of precipitation intermittency on NAO-temperature signals in proxy records, Climate of the Past, 9: 871-886.

62 - Wainer K., Genty D., Blamart D., Bar-Matthews M., Quinif Y., Plagnes V., 2013, Millennial climatic instability during penultimate glacial period recorded in a south-western France speleothem.,  Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 376:122-131.

61 - Genty D., Verheyden S., Wainer K., 2013, Speleothem records of the Last Interglacial, PAGES news, vol. 21, n°1, March 2013, pp. 24-25.

60 - Verheyden S. and Genty D., 2013, Lifting the veil on speleothem sampling, PAGES news, vol. 21, n°1, March 2013, p. 5.

59 - Bourges F., Genthon P., Genty D.,  Mangin A., D’Hulst D., 2012, Comment on “Carbon uptake by karsts in the Houzhai Basin, southwest China” by Junhua Yan et al., Journal of Geophysical Research, Vol. 117, G03006.

58 - Bourdin C., Douville E., Genty D., 2011, Alkaline-earth metal and rare-earth element incorporation control by ionic radius and growth rate on a stalagmite from the Chauvet Cave, Southeastern France, Chemical Geology, 290:1-11.

57 - Genty D., Konik S., Valladas H., Blamart D., Hellstrom J., Touma M., Moreau Ch., Dumoulin J.P., Nouet J., Dauphin Y.,  Weil R., 2011, Multi-methods dating of the Lascaux Cave gour formation, Radiocarbon, 53 (3) : 479-500.

56 - Daëron M., W. Guo, J. Eiler, D. Genty, D. Blamart, R. Boch, R. Drysdale, R. Maire, K. Wainer and G. Zanchetta, 2011, 13C18O clumping in speleothems: observations from natural caves and precipitation experiments, Geochimica et Cosmochimica  Acta, 74:3303-3317.

55 - Faure M., Guérin Cl., Genty D., Gommery D., Ramanivosoa B., 2010, The oldest fossil hippopotamus (Hippopotamus laloumena) of Madagascar (Belobaka, Mahajanga Province), Comptes Rendus Palevol, 9: 155-162.

54 - Wainer K., Genty D., Blamart D., Daëron M., Bar-Matthews M., Vonhof H., Dublyansky Y.,  Pons-Branchu E.,  Thomas L., van Calsteren P., Quinif Y. and Caillon N., 2011, Speleothem record of the last 180 ka in Villars cave (SW France):Investigation of a large d18O shift between MIS6 and MIS5, Quaternary Science Review, 30:130-146.

53 - Genty D., Combourieu-Nebout N.,  Peyron O., Blamart D., Wainer K., Mansuri F., Ghaleb B., Isabello L., Dormoy I., von Grafenstein U., Bonelli S., Landais A., Brauer A., 2010,  Isotopic Characterization Of Rapid Climatic Events During OIS 3 And OIS4 In Villars Cave Stalagmites (SW-France) And Correlation With Atlantic And Mediterranean Pollen Records, Quaternary Science Review, 29: 2799-2820.

52 - A. Mun˜ Oz, A.K. Sen, C. Sancho, and D. Genty, 2009,  Wavelet analysis of late holocene stalagmite Records from ortigosa caves in northern spain, , Journal of Cave and Karst Studies, v. 71, no. 1, p. 63–72.

51 - Couchoud I., Genty D., Hoffmann D., Drysdale R., Blamart D., 2009, Millennial-scale climate variability during the Last Interglacial recorded in a speleothem from South-western France, Quaternary Science Reviews 28: 3263-3274.

50 - Bernard A., Daux V.,  Lécuyer Ch.,  Brugal J.Ph.,  Genty D.,  Wainer K.,  Gardien V.,  Fourel F.,  Jaubert J., 2009, Pleistocene seasonal temperature variations recorded in the δ18O of Bison priscus teeth, EPSL, 283:133-143.

49 Wainer K., Genty D., Blamart D., Hofmann D., Couchoud I., 2009,  A new stage 3 millennial climatic variability record from a SW France speleothem, Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 271: 130-139.

48 Daeron, M., Guo, W., Eiler, J., Genty, D., Wainer, K., Affek, H., Vonhof, H., Blamart, D., 2008, Absolute speleo-thermometry, using clumped isotope measurements to correct for kinetic isotope fractionations induced by CO(2) degassing, Geochimica Et Cosmochimica Acta, 72 (12) : A193-a193.

47 Guo, W., Daeron, M., Niles, P., Genty, D., Kim, S. T., Vonhof, H., Affek, H., Wainer, K., Blamart, D., Eiler, J., 2008, C-13-O-18 bonds in dissolved inorganic carbon: Implications for carbonate clumped isotope thermometry, Geochimica Et Cosmochimica Acta, 72 (12) : A336-a336.

46 Verheyden S., Genty D., Deflandre G., Quinif Y., Keppens E., 2008, Monitoring climatological, hydrological and geochemical parameters in the Père Noël Cave (Belgium): implication for th einterpretation of speleothem isotopic and geochemical time-series, International Journal of Speleology, 37 (3) : 221-234 .

45 Genty D., 2008, Palaeoclimate Research in Villars Cave (Dordogne, SW-France), International Journal of Speleology, 37 (3) : 173-191 .

44 Baker A., Smith C., Jex C., Fairchild I.J., Genty D., Fuller L., 2008, Annually Laminated Speleothems: a review, International Journal of Speleology, 37 (3) : 221-234 .

43 Blyth A.J., Baker A., Collins M.J., Penkman K.E.H., Gilmour M.A., Moss J.S., Genty D., Drysdale R.N., 2008, Molecular organic matter in speleothems and its potential as an environmental proxy, Quaternary Science Review, 27: 907-921.

42 Verheyden S., Genty D., Cattani O, Van Breukelen M., 2008, Characterization of fluid inclusions in speleothems: heating experiments and isotopic hydrogen composition, Chemical Geology,  247: 266-281.

41 Waelbroeck C., Frank N., Parrenin F., Masson-Delmotte V., Genty D.,  2007, Transferring radiometric dating of the Last Interglacial seal level high stand to marine ice core record, EPSL, 265: 183-194.

40 Blyth A.J., Andy Baker A.,   , Genty D., 2007, A new approach to detecting vegetation and land-use change using high-resolution lipid biomarker records in stalagmites, Quaternary Research, 68, pp. 314-324.

39 Baker A., Asrat A., Fairchild I., Leng M., Wynn P.M., Bryant Ch., Genty D., Umer M., 2007, Analysis of the climate signal contained within d18O and growth rate parameters in two Ethiopian stalagmites, Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 71, 2975-2988.

38 Van Vliet-Lanoë B., Guðmundsson A., Guillou H., Duncan R.A., Genty D., Ghaleb B., Gouy S., Récourt P., Scaillet S., 2006, Limited glaciation and very early deglaciation in Central Iceland. Implications for climate change, Comptes Rendus Geoscience, 339: 1-12.

37 Verheyden S., Baele J.M., Keppens E., Genty D., Cattani O., Cheng H., Edwards L., Zhang H., van Strijdonck M., Quinif Y., 2006, The Proserpine stalagmite (Han-sur-Lesse Cave, Belgium) : preliminary environmental interpretation of the Last 1000 years as recorded in a layered speleothem, Geologica Belgica, 9 : 245-256.

36 Tan Ming, Baker A., Genty D., Smith C., Esper J., Cai B., 2006, Applications of stalagmite laminae to paleoclimate reconstructions: comparison with dendrochronology/climatology, Quaternary Science Review, 25: 2103-2117.

35 Genty D., Blamart D., Ghaleb B., Plagnes V., Causse Ch., Bakalowicz M., Melières M.A., Zouari K., Chkir N., 2006, Timing and Dynamics of the Last Deglaciation from European and North African d13C stalagmite profiles – Comparison with South-Hemisphere stalagmite records, Quaternary Science Review, 25: 2118-2142 ( Science Editor’s Choice, sept. 2006, vol. 313, p.1365) .

34 Rousseau L, Beauchamp J, Falgures C, Emblanch C, Genty D, Bahain JJ, Blamart D, 2005, Isotopic and biogeochemical markers help in reconstructing the Lazaret Cave environment (Nice, France) during Upper Pleistocene (IOS 5), Comptes Rendus Geoscience, 337 (15): 1348-1354.

33 Kuczumow A., Genty D., Chevallier P., Nowak J., Florek M., Buckzinska A. , 2005, "X-Ray electron microscope investigation of the speleothems from the Godarville tunnel", X-Ray spectrometry, 34 : 502-508.

32 Soubies F., Seidel A., Mangin A., Genty D., Ronchail J., Plagnes V., Hirooka S., Santos R., 2005. A fifty year climate signal in three Holocene stalagmite records from Mato Grosso, Brazil. Quaternary International, 135, 115-129.

31 C. Hillaire-Marcel, B. Ghaleb, D. Genty, 2005, Comment on "Tropical response to the 8200 yr B.P. cold event? Speleothem isotopes indicate a weakened early Holocene monsoon in Costa Rica", Lachniet, Matthew S., Asmerom, Yemane, Burns, Stephen J., Patterson, William P., Polyak, Victor J., Seltzer, Geoffrey O. Geology Volume: 32 Issue: 11 Pages: 957-960, Geology, on line.

30 Genty D., N. Combourieu-Nebout, Hatté Ch., Blamart D., Ghaleb B., Isabello L., 2005, Rapid climatic changes of the last 90 kyr recorded on the european continent, Comptes Rendus de l’Académie des Sciences, Paris, Géosciences, 337 : 970-982.

29 Genty D., Blamart D., Ghaleb B., 2005, Apport des stalagmites pour l‘etude de la grotte chauvet : datations absolues U/Th (TIMS)  et reconstitution paleoclimatique par les isotopes stables de la calcite, Bulletin de la Société Préhistorique Française, T 202, n°1, pp. 1-18.

28 Munoz A., Sancho C., Pena J.L., Sanchez-Valverde B., Valero-Garcés B.L., Duran J.J., Genty D., 2004, Ciclos climaticos de alta frecuencia en los espeleotemas de las Cuevas de Ortigosa de Cameros (La Rioja), Geo-Temas, vol. 6, n°5, 141-144.

27 Genty D., Ghaleb B., Plagnes V., Causse Ch, Valladas H., Blamart D., Massault M., Geneste J.M. et Clottes J., 2004, Datations U/Th (TIMS)  et 14C (AMS) des stalagmites de la grotte Chauvet (Ardeche, France) : interêt pour la chronologie des évenements naturels et anthropiques de la grotte, Comptes Rendus PALEOV, 3 : 629-642.

26 Baker A., Genty D., 2003, "Comment on “A test of annual resolution in stalagmites using tree rings””, Quaternary Research, 59: 476-478.

25 Kuczumow A., Genty D., Chevallier P., Nowak J. and Chul-Un Ro, 2003, "Annual resolution analysis of a SW-France stalagmite by X-ray synchrotron microprobe analysis", Spectrochimica Acta Part B: Atomic Spectroscopy, vol 58/5, pp 851 – 865.

24 Genty D., Blamart D., Ouahdi R., Gilmour M., Baker A.,  Jouzel J. and Van-Exter S.,  2003, Precise dating of Dansgaard-Oeschger climate oscillations in Western Europe from speleothem datat, Nature, 421 : 833-837.

23 Plagnes V., Causse Ch., Genty D., Blamart D., Paterne M., 2002, A stalagmite record from 187 to 74 ka in Clamouse Cave (South of France), Earth and Planétary Science 201, pp. 87-103.

22 Genty D., Plagnes V., Causse Ch.., Cattani O., Stievenard M., Falourd S., Blamart D., Ouahdi R.. and Van Exter S., 2002, Deuterium content of stalagmites macroscopic fluid inclusions, Chemical Geology, 184: 83-95.

21 Genty D. , Diot M.F. and O’yl W., 2001, Sources of pollen in stalactite drip water in two sw-France caves, Cave and Karst Science, vol. 28, n° 2, pp.59-66 ;

20 Genty D. , Baker A., Massault M., Procror Ch., Gilmour M., Pons-Branchu E. and Hamelin B.,2001, “Dead carbon in stalagmites : limestone paleodissolution versus ageing of Soil Organic Matter - Implications for 13c variations in stalagmites “,  Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 65 : 3443-3457.

19 Baker A., Genty D. and Fairchild I., 2000, Hydrological characterisation of stalagmite dripwaters at Grotte de Villars, Dordogne, by the analysis of inorganic species and luminescent organic matter, Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, Vol. 4, pp. 439-449.

18 Genty D. , Baker A. and Vokal B., 2001, Intra- and Inter- Annual  Growth Rate of Modern Stalagmites, Chemical Geology, Vol. 176, pp. 193-214.

17 Genty D., Massault M., Gilmour M., Baker A., Verheyden S. and Keppens E., 1999, Calculation of past dead carbon proportion and variability by the comparisonof AMS 14C and TIMS U/Th ages on two Holocene stalagmites, Radiocarbon, Vol. 41, n°3, pp. 251-270.

16 Genty D. and Massault M., 1999, Carbon transfer dynamics from bomb-14C and d13C time series of a laminated stalagmite from SW-France – Modelling and comparison with other stalagmite, Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, Vol. 63 , pp. 1537-1548.

15 Vokal B., Obelic B, Genty D. and Kobal I, 1999, Chemistry measurements of dripping water in Postojna cave, Acta Carsologica, 28/1, 16 : 305-321.

14 Baker A. and Genty D., 1999, Fluorescence Wavelength and Intensity Variations of Cave Water,  Journal of Hydrology, Vol. 217, pp. 19-34.

13 Baker A. and Genty D., 1998, Environmental pressures on conserving cave speleothems effects of changing surface land use and increased cave tourism, Journal of Environmental Management, Vol. 53, n°2, pp. 165-175.

12 Genty D. and Deflandre G., 1998, Drip flow variations under a stalactite of the Père Noël Cave (Belgium). Evidence of seasonal variations and air pressure constraints. Journal of Hydrology, Vol. 211, n° 1-4, pp. 208-232.

11 Genty D., Vokal B., Obelic B. and Massault M, 1998, Bomb 14C Time History Recorded in two modern stalagmites - Importance for soil organic matter dynamics and bomb 14C distribution over continents, Earth and Planetary Science Letters, Vol. 160, pp. 795-809.

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9 Baker A., Genty D., Dreybrodt W., Barnes W., Mockler N., Grapes J, 1998, Testing theoretically predicted stalagmite growth rate with Recent annually laminated samples: implications for past stalagmite deposition, Geochimica et Cosmochimica, Vol. 62, n°3, pp. 393-404.

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7 Genty D., Baker A., Barnes W., 1997, Comparaison entre les lamines luminescentes et les lamines visibles annuelles de stalagmites, C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, Vol. 325, pp. 193-200.

6 Genty D., Dauphin Y., Deflandre G. et Quinif Y., 1997, Exemples de particules d’origine anthropique piégées dans les lamines de croissance de stalagmites - Intérêt pour la reconstitution des environnements humains anciens, Quaternaire, Vol. 8, pp. 149-157

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4 Genty D., Quinif Y., 1996, Annually laminated sequences in the internal structure of some Belgian stalagmites - Importance for paleoclimatology, Journal of Sedimentary Research, Vol. 66, n° 1, pp. 275-288.

3 Quinif Y., Genty D., Maire R., 1994, L'analyse séquentielle des séries stalagmitiques: un outil de base des études paléoclimatiques, Bull. de la Soc. Géol. de France, t. 165, n°6, pp. 603-612.

2 Genty D., 1993, Mise en évidence d'alternances saisonnières dans la structure interne des stalagmites. Intérêt pour la reconstitution des paléoenvironnements continentaux, C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, t.317, série 2, pp. 1229-1236.

1 Genty D., Humbert L., Burlot R., 1989, Mesure de la porosité des dolomies du réservoir R2inf. de la structure des Landes de Siougos par traitement numérique d'images automatisé, comparaison avec la porosimétrie au mercure, C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, Vol. 309, série 2, pp. 1481-1486.





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