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Elisabeth Michel

Dynamique et archives du climat



Chercheur en paléoclimat. Responsable de l'équipe PALEOCEAN

Sujets de recherche

Main Topics: The ocean’s role in climate changes is the main focus of my activities, considering circulation and marine environment changes and ocean carbon cycle. I study particularly centennial to millenial events of the last 130 kyears and orbital time scales for the last 3Myrs. Most of the tools I use relate to benthic and planktonic foraminifera geochemistry and assemblages, so I also work on foraminifera growth and calibration of their isotopic and trace element compositions to increase the precision and accuracy of paleoclimate records. I use also geochemical properties of marine sediment with XRF analyses and their calibration. A special attention concerns the chronology of the records and I’m part of the Intimate international group and of different national and international projects focused on chronology of climate records and on Southern Ocean evolution.



Researcher at Laboratoire des Sciences du Climat et de l’Environnement, CEA, CNRS, UVSQ, (short working period in CSIRO Aspendale, Australia, and work (1990-1995) at Laboratoire de Glaciologie et de Géophysique de l’Environnement, Grenoble, France)

2006-2011, 2022-

head of the Paleoceanographic research group at LSCE (20 persons)


PhD of Geosciences Paris XI University, „Last glacial maximum Ocean: Carbone cycle and Ocean circulation from isotopic data and model simulations“


Master of Geosciences, Paris XI University


“Maitrise” in physics, Paris XI University

Publications scientifiques


Enseignement - Encadrement

Supervisor/co-supervisor: 10PhD, 9 Master

Teaching: 20 hours in 3 different masters


Fieldwork experience:

29 oceanographic cruises (106 weeks in total), 7 as leading PI, 6 as co-leading PI. CTD and rosette water sampling, Kullenberg and multicore operations and sampling, nets and multinets operations and sampling, mooring with sediment traps. 2 field trips (Kerguelen Island, Amsterdam Island), 4 months in total


2006-2011: and since 2022, head of the paleoceanographic group at LSCE, (20 members)

Since 2021: president of the ARTEMIS 14C national facility committee

Program leader last 10 years:

IODP (2020-2022): SOuthern Ocean role during the Mid-Pleistocene transition, 44k€

INSU-LEFE ACCMPT (2020-2022), Southern Ocean changes during MPT transition, 26k€

INSU-LEFE SECOAB (2018-2020), 130kyrs oceanic carbon changes, boron chemistry in benthic foraminifer, 33.8k€

INSU-LEFE STEP cruises (2016-2017), Storfjorden cruises CTD, multinet, mooring, brines bio-chemical-physical studies 57k€

INSU-LEFE brines program (2015), brines forcing mechanism,30k€

IPEV PALATIO (2013-2014) field trip Kerguelen archipelago and Amsterdam Island for peat cores retrieving

French Swedish project (2013-2016), Southern Ocean last deglaciation evolution in the three sectors with accurate chronology comparing terrestrial and marine records 210.4k€


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