Professional positions / Expérience professionnelle

10/2006-Present Directeur de Recherche de 2ième classe, CNRS. 09/2012-09/2014 Professeur conventionné à l’Université de Strasbourg. 04/2007- 8/2009 Scientific officer at the European Science Foundation (on leave from CNRS). Coordinator for EUROCORES programmes on climate and geosciences. 01/2006-04/2007 Head of « Biogochemical cycle unit » at LSCE (about 80 personnes). 2000-2002 Chargé de recherche de 1er classe, Laboratoire des Sciences du Climat et de l’Environnement (LSCE), Unité Mixte CEA-CNRS. 1998-2000 Chargé de recherche de 1er classe, Service d’Aéronomie du CNRS. 1997-1998 Visiting scientist ; National Center for Atmospheric Research, Boulder, Colorado 1994-1996 Fellowship Advanced Study Program, National Centre for Atmospheric Research, Boulder, Colorado. 1993-1997 Chargé de recherche de 2ème classe at CNRS, Service d’Aéronomie, Paris 6. 1992-1993 Post-doctorate, Service d’Aéronomie, Paris 6. 1988-1992 PhD thesis, Service d’Aéronomie et Université de Liège (Belgique). Research projects / Projets de recherche
2012-2016 Coordinator project Impact de l’aviation sur le climat (IMPACT) – DGAC 2011-2015 Investigator project Traînées de Condensation et Climat (TC2) – DGAC 2011-2014 Investigator MERMAID (ADEME) 2012-2013 Investigator project ACHIA (GIS Climat Environnement Société) 2011-2013 Investigator project CCTV2 (GIS Climat Environnement Société) 2012-2014 Investigator European project HIKARI (FP7) 2011-2015 Investigator European project ECLAIRE (FP7) 2006-2007 Investigator European project GEOMON (FP7) and coordinator of the modeling activity. 2006-2007 Investigator European project HYMN (FP6). 2005-2007 Investigator European project QUANTIFY (FP6). 2004-2007 Investigator European project SCOUT-O3 (FP6). 2003-2006 Investigator European project RETRO (FP5). 2000-2003 Investigator European project METRIC (FP5). 2000-2003 Investigator European project TRADEOFF (FP5). 1996-1999 Investigator European project ROCS (FP4). 1994-1996 Investigator European project Ozone : climate-chemistry interactions (FP4). 1994-1995 Investigator European project HECSTRA (FP4). 1993-1994 Investigator European project MOSTOZ (FP3). 2003-2005 Consultant ESA Composition of the atmosphere : progress to applications in the user community (CAPACITY). 2002-2003 Investigator ESA project The potential of Spaceborne remote sensing to contribute to the quantification of anthropogenic emissions in the frame of the Kyoto protocol (15427/01/NL/MM). 2000-2001 Investigator ESA project Support to the preparation of MIPAS in-flight characterisation and validation activities (11717/95/NL/CN). 1999-2001 Investigator ESA project Definition of mission objectives and observational requirements for an atmospheric chemistry explorer mission (13048/98/NL/GD). 1999-2001 Investigator ESA project Tropospheric ozone an its precursors from ENVISAT : global model evaluation and data assimilation. 1995-2001 Investigator CNES/EUMETSAT Chemistry and climate related studies using the IASI remote sensor. 2005-2008 Investigator ESA project Tropospheric composition and air quality (TRAQ). 2000-2002 Investigator CNES project « Troposphère et chimie/climat » (TROC). 2000-2002 Investigator project CNES Geostationary Fourier Imaging Spectrometer (GeoFIS). 1995-1998 Investigator project NASDA Tropospheric and stratospheric studies using ADEOS sensors. 1998-2000 Investigator NASA project Data-based climatologies of chemical constituents in the free troposphere and lower stratosphere. 1997-1999 Investigator NASA project Budget of nitrogen compounds in the global atmosphere : observations-based climatologies and three-dimensional-transport model simulations. 1997-1999 Investigator NASA project Chemical constituents in the global troposphere : three-dimensional chemical-transport model with interactive biosphere. 1996-1998 Investigator NASA project Climate and chemical cycles : the role of sulfate and ozone in climate change.

Committees and research groups / Comités et groupes de recherche

2007-2009 Curator of the exhibition “Atmosphère – Le climat révélé par les glaces” at Musée Arts et Métiers, Paris and of the itinerating version. 2007-2009 Member of the Scientific Committee for the exhibition “La Terre vue de l’espace” at Cité des Sciences, Paris 2006-2007 Member of the Scientific Committee for the exhibition “Dans les pas de Paul-Emile Victor” at Palais de la Découverte, Paris 2004-2008 Member of the Centre National du Livre committee for scientific literature from the French Ministery for Culture 2005-2010 Member of the review panel for the prize “Le Monde” de la recherche 2013-2015 Member « conseil de laboratoire du LIVE » 2006-2007 Member « conseil de laboratoire du LSCE ». 2004-2007 Member « conseil scientifique interne du LSCE ». 1999-2007 Member « conseil scientifique du pôle de modélisation de l’IPSL ». 2002-2005 Member « conseil scientifique du PNEDC ». 2004-2007 Member « conseil scientifique de ETHER ». 2003-2007 Member « conseil scientifique du TOSCA » CNES. 1999-2005 Coordinator project « climate-chemistry » PNCA. 2002-2006 Member « commission de spécialistes » – 34/35/37 – de l’ENS. 2002-2006 Member « commission de spécialistes » -34/35/37 – de l’UVSQ. 2005-2007 Lead Author chapter 8 WMO/UNEP. 2004-2007 Lead Author chapter 7 IPCC Assessment Report 4. 2003-2005 Lead Author chapter 2 IPCC-TEAP « Safegarding the ozone layer ». 1998-2000 Lead Author chapter 6 IPCC Third Assessment Report. 2002-2003 Co-author chapter 4 Ozone-climate Interactions (European Commission). 2000-2001 Co-author chapter 7 European Research in the stratosphere 1996-2000 (European Commission). 1997-1998 Co-author report Atmospheric effects of aircraft emissions (European Commission). 1993-2000 Contributor IPCC TAR, SAR, special report on radiative forcing of climate change, Aviation and the global atmosphere et WMO ozone assessment 1994. 2013-present Member of ESA Earth Science Advisory Committee 2011-2012 Member of ADEME review panel for PhD research grants 2010-2012 Member of Norwegian Research Council review panel Norklima 2010 Member of Review panel for the Earth Explorer Opportunity mission EE8 ESA 2006-2009 Member of ESA Mission Assessment Group for the TRAQ mission 2000-2007 Member International science team OMI/EOS-Aura. 2000-2001 Member Science preparatory group ACECHEM (ESA). 1998-2000 Member Atmospheric chemistry science and advisory group ESA. 2002 Member Review panel for the second call for Earth explorer opportunity missions ESA. Teaching / Enseignement
2013-2014: “Air-Climat-Energie: des perturbations aux enjeux de société”, Master 2, Faculté de Géographie et d’Aménagement, Université de Strasbourg (9h). 2013-2014: “Air-Climat-Energie: des processus aux perturbations”, Master 1, Faculté de Géographie et d’Aménagement, Université de Strasbourg (6h). 2012-2013: “Air-Climat-Energie: des perturbations aux enjeux de société”, Master 2, Faculté de Géographie et d’Aménagement, Université de Strasbourg (9h). 2012-2013: “Air-Climat-Energie: des processus aux perturbations”, Master 1, Faculté de Géographie et d’Aménagement, Université de Strasbourg (6h). 2011-2012: “Air-Climat-Energie: des perturbations aux enjeux de société”, Master 2, Faculté de Géographie et d’Aménagement, Université de Strasbourg (9h). 2011-2012: “Air-Climat-Energie: des processus aux perturbations”, Master 1, Faculté de Géographie et d’Aménagement, Université de Strasbourg (6h). 2010-2011: “Air-Climat-Energie: des perturbations aux enjeux de société”, Master 2, Faculté de Géographie et d’Aménagement,Université de Strasbourg (9h). 2010-2011: “Air-Climat-Energie: des processus aux perturbations”, Master 1, Faculté de Géographie et d’Aménagement,Université de Strasbourg (6h). 2006-2007: “Biogeochemical cycle modelling”, Master ICE 2, Université Versailles St Quentin, ENSTA, INSTN (15h). 2005-2006: “Biogeochemical cycle modelling”, Master ICE 2, Université Versailles St Quentin, ENSTA, INSTN (15h). 2004-2005: “Biogeochemical cycle modelling”, Master ICE 2, Université Versailles St Quentin, ENSTA, INSTN (15h). Alumni
Etienne Terrenoire (2015-). Impact of aircraft emissions on atmospheric composition and climate. Post-doc on IMPACT DGAC project. Palmira Messina (2013-). Biogenic emissions of hydrocarbons and of nitrogen from soils in the ORCHIDEE model and impact on future atmospheric composition. Post-doc on ECLAIRE EU project. Richard Valorso (2013-2015). Impact of aircraft emissions on atmospheric composition and climate. Post-doc on IMPACT DGAC project. Victoria Likhvar (2012-2014). Impact of future ozone concentrations and particles on health. In collaboration with INVS. Post-doc on ACHIA project. Sophie Szopa-Laval (2004-2007). Simulation of atmospheric composition over the last 40 years with LMDz-INCA under the RETRO EU project. Interannual variability of ozone and its precursors and NMHC chemistry in INCA. Post-doc on GEOMON EU project. Dimitri Caro (2005-2007). Impact of different transport systems on the atmospheric composition. Post-doc in the framework of the QUANTIFY EU project. Fabrice Jegou (2005-2007). Development and use of the stratospheric version of LMDz-INCA in the framework of the SCOUP-IP EU project. Yingshi Li (2005-2006). Evaluation of the LMDz-INCA model by the mean of comparison with the MOPITT instrument carbon monoxide. Andrzej Klonecki (2001-2003). Simulation of ozone in the upper troposphere and lower stratosphere and the role of stratosphere-troposphere exchanges in the distribution and budget of tropospheric ozone. Gerd Folberth (2001-2003). Simulation of non-methane hydrocarbons in LMDz-INCA. Evaluation of the model against observations and impact of NMHCs on the photochemical production of ozone, carbon monoxide and radicals. Sophie Chalita (1993-1995). Impact of tropospheric ozone changes from the pre-industrial on the radiative forcing and on climate in the LMD general circulation model. Comparison of the climate responses associated with ozone changes and carbon-dioxide increase.

Outreach / Grand public

Hauglustaine, D., J. Jouzel et H. Le Treut, Climat : chronique d’un boulversement annoncé, 186 pp., Editions Le Pommier, Paris, 2004. Hauglustaine D., Le trou dans la couche d’ozone est-il rebouché ?, Editions Le Pommier, Paris, 2007. Hauglustaine, D., Le baptême de l’air, 64 pp., Editions Le Pommier, paris, 2008. Hauglustaine, D., J. Jouzel, V. Masson-Delmotte, Atmosphère atmosphère, 234 pp., Editions Le Pommier, Paris, 2008. Ouvrage collectif, 100 questions de sciences à croquer, Editions Le Pommier, Paris, 2007. Ouvrage collectif, Les dix ans du Pommier !, Editions Le Pommier, Paris, 2009. Ouvrage collectif, Le carnet d’experience des minipommes, Editions Le Pommier, Paris, 2010. Ouvrage collectif, Trente questions de Sciences à croquer, Editions Le Pommier, Paris, 2012. Useful links / Liens utiles

LMDz-INCA global chemistry-climate model