The laboratory

The Laboratoire des Sciences du Climat et de l’Environnement (LSCE) is a joint research unit (UMR 8212) of the atomic energy agency and alternative energy (CEA), the national center for scientifique research (CNRS) and the Versailles Saint-Quentin en Yvelines University (UVSQ), located on the CEA’s Orme des Merisiers site at the heart of the Paris-Saclay university campus. It is part of the Institut Pierre-Simon Laplace (IPSL).


LSCE employs more than 350 researchers, engineers, technicians and administrative staff, including more than 150 permanent staff from the 3 supervisory bodies and several dozen of PhD students.

The laboratory is run by a management team made up of the following members :

  • Director : Philippe Bousquet (UVSQ)
  • Deputy directors : François-Marie Bréon (CEA) / Didier Roche (CNRS) / Franck Bassinot (CEA)
  • Director Assistant : Sandrine Manghi (CEA)
  • Head of administrative Group : Maud Grenet (CNRS)

The LSCE is organised into three scientific themes. Each is made up of 4 to 6 teams, for a total of 16 scientific teams. The ARTEMIS national instrument for measuring carbon 14 (LMC14) is also attached to LSCE.

Research thematics

LSCE is structured around three thematics: :

  • Archives et Tracers
  • Biogeochemical Cycles and transfer into the Environment
  • Climate and Cycles – Modelling their variability and interactions

And the ARTEMIS national instrument for measuring carbon 14.

Research Teams

The scientific activities carried out at LSCE are supported by a number of teams, 16 in total, and additionnaly LMC14, the national ARTEMIS instrument for measuring carbon 14.

LSCE is also made up of support teams:

  • Administration, financial management, human resources
  • Computing, IT
  • Safety, Infrastructure, Environment
  • Communication
LSCE LOGO” word cloud based on the titles of publications by LSCE teams between 2008 and 2013.

Flagship Projects

LSCE’s research work is in part conducted around major unifying projects on a national, European or international scale.

Public Resources

Whether regarding games, travelling exhibitions or any other content, the LSCE invites you to discover its many educational resources focusing on the thematics of climate and the environment.

Real time data panel board

Thanks to its various measuring instruments and observatories on site, the LSCE can monitor in real time the level of various chemical, physical parameters like fine particles in the air, greenhouse gases, reactive gases, near real time model simulations.

Environnemental impact of LSCE

LSCE is involved in its environmental footprint and in particular its carbon footprint. It is committed to reducing its greenhouse gas emissions and thinking about high-quality, low-carbon research for its various areas of research and internal operations. The Environmental Footprint Working Group (GT-EE) leads activities with this objective in mind.