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Nov 14, 2023
by Pascal Yiou
La quinzaine des Jeux Olympique de Paris en 2024 aura lieu du 26 juillet au 11 août, c’est-à-dire à l’apogée de la température en France.
Nov 08, 2023
by Davide Faranda, Mireia Ginesta, Tommaso Alberti, Erika Coppola and Marco Anzidei
Acqua Alta events in Venice, notably the catastrophic ones in 1966, 2008, 2018, and 2019, have inflicted substantial harm on the city's cultural and economic heritage, including the iconic St. Mark's Basilica, historic shops, and beloved businesses like Caffè Florian.
Sep 14, 2023
by Nathaelle Bouttes During the last deglaciation, the climate evolves from a cold state at the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM) at 21 ka (thousand years ago) with large ice sheets to the warm Holocene at  9 ka with reduced ice sheets.
Sep 11, 2023
by Robin Noyelle
Les vagues de chaleur font partie des évènements climatiques extrêmes les plus impactant dans le monde et en Europe, notamment du fait de leur augmentation en fréquence et intensité avec le changement climatique d’origine humaine.
Aug 28, 2023
by Davide Faranda
Available at , Climameter offers a dynamic approach to contextualize and analyze weather extremes within a climate context.
Jul 20, 2023
Des chercheurs du Laboratoire des Sciences du Climat et de l'Environnement (CNRS, CEA, UVSQ) et de l'Université d'Uppsala en Suède ont étudié les propriétés d'une méthode populaire d'estimation de la dimension de l'attracteur.
Jul 04, 2023
by Delphine Tardif   The Asian monsoons are triggered by complex interactions between the atmosphere, Asian and African orography, and the surrounding oceans, resulting in highly seasonal climate and specific regional features.
Mar 21, 2023
par Davide Faranda
Les changements des situations météorologiques renforcent les impacts des vagues de chaleurs et tempêtes  en France et en Europe Une nouvelle étude réalisée par des chercheurs de l’IPSL et de l’université d’Uppsala publiée dans PNAS révèle que les changements de situations météorologiques en Europe ont un impact majeur sur le climat de surface, exacerbant les effets du changement climatique.
Mar 10, 2023
By Meriem Krouma
Going Beyond Models: A Statistical Method for Predicting the Madden Julian Oscillation The Madden Julian Oscillation (MJO) is the major source of fluctuation in tropical weather on weekly to monthly timescales [1].
Feb 16, 2023
by Davide Faranda, Burak Bulut & Salvatore Pascale
Le Changement Climatique: cause majeure de la sécheresse 2022 en Europe de l'Ouest Les chercheurs de l’IPSL et de l'Université de Bologne démontrent le lien entre la sécheresse en Europe en 2022 et le changement climatique dû à l'homme.
Jan 11, 2023
by Mathieu Vrac, Soulivanh Thao, Pascal Yiou
Changes in temperature–precipitation correlations over Europe:  Are climate models reliable? by Mathieu Vrac, Soulivanh Thao, Pascal Yiou Inter-variable correlations (e.g.
Jan 11, 2023
by M. Vrac, S. Thao, P. Yiou
Should Multivariate Bias Corrections of Climate Simulations Account for Changes of Rank Correlation Over Time? by M. Vrac, S. Thao, P.
Dec 21, 2022
by Mireia Ginesta
Changes in the climate dynamics have already modified characteristics and impacts of storms in France: the case  study of storm Alex 2020 by Mireia Ginesta Extratropical cyclones play a key role in modulating the precipitation and wind in mid-latitudes and can be responsible for extreme wet and windy events.
Dec 20, 2022
Camille Cadiou, Robin Noyelle, Nemo Malhomme & Davide Faranda
Can we attribute the intense precipitation event in the Brisbane region in February 2022 to climate change? Camille Cadiou, Robin Noyelle, Nemo Malhomme & Davide Faranda   From the last week of February to mid-March 2022, the eastern coast of Australia faced an episode of intense rainfall.
Dec 12, 2022
By Meriem Krouma
A weather ensemble forecasting tool based on statistical and probabilistic methods Ensemble weather forecasts can help to anticipate the risks and probabilities of extreme weather events. Nevertheless, weather forecasting is a complex task due to the chaotic behavior of the atmosphere [1].
Sep 23, 2021
Hazards like droughts and heatwaves increase tree mortality, through mechanisms that alter their carbon reserves.  In [1] we adapt the concept of ruin modelling, from the insurance industry, to devise a growth-ruin model for forests, as a response to climate hazards.
Jan 13, 2021
La COVID-19 affecte actuellement la totalité de pays du monde et fait peser de graves menaces sur la santé publique ainsi que sur la stabilité économique et sociale.
Jan 13, 2021
Challenge: How to simulate 100 millennial heatwaves at the cost of 100 simulations?
Nudging a stochastic weather generator based on atmospheric circulation analogs towards high local temperatures [here temperature average between Madrid, Toulouse, Orly, De Bilt and Berlin], to obtain the warmest summers that could be, starting on a June 1st and the armest summers that could be, with a weather patterns that are similar to observations.
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