SeMPER-Arctic (Sense Making, Place Attachment and Extented networks of Resilience in the Arctic)


Rooting its work in the Arctic, with and for Arctic communities, the “Sense Making, Place attachment, and Extended networks, as sources of Resilience in the Arctic” (SeMPER-Arctic) project consortium will be collecting local stories of changes, shocks, upheavals and their aftermaths. Two broad categories of narratives have been identified as priority areas of inquiry: environmental science and public policy, and regional development.

Projet Belmont Forum International Opportunity Fund : 2020 – 2024

Participants : LSCE (coordinateur) ; CEARC ; Utrecht University ; University of Bergen ; Nordregio 

The consortium analyses how these narratives interact with the local narrative of resilience. The interdisciplinary framework of resilience interpretations is used to examine the resilience narratives in the light of the dimension that is salient for the members of arctic communities. The consortium is in a position to take stock of the lessons learned in its two pilot implementation sites. It develops a narrative-centred, locally rooted, place-based understanding of resilience within arctic communities.

This understanding is key for developing tools and strategies to increase community resilience in other communities. These results call for sharing the lessons learned with regional planners and policy-makers. The consortium is contributing to the knowledge base on global environmental change through respectful, non-prejudiced, inquiry of what it means to be a resilient arctic community in the 21st century. The results will be translated into options for actions, at the local, regional, national and circumpolar levels.The SeMPER-Arctic team members will adopt these narratives as local, and localized, anchoring devices for resilience analysis.