In order to carry our research, we use the following tools
- Laboratory instruments, notably those attached to the Panoply platform and the PANDA platform (Plateau Analytique dédié aux Archives Glaciaires). The team is part of REGEF’s stable isotope and noble gas networks.
- Field instruments
- Modelling tools that we use, develop and test for our research objectives
Instrumentation in the team
Measurements of water isotopes
– Isotopic Ratio Mass Spectrometer Finnigan MAT 252 and Thermo MAT 253+ associated with equilibration units for the d18O measurements
– Isotopic Ratio Mass Spectrometer Thermo MAT 253 associated with a fluorination line for 17O-excess measurements
– Optical spectrometer based on the CRDS technique – Picarro L2130-i et L2140-i associated with Picarro vaporizers
– Optical spectrometer based on the CRDS technique – Picarro L2130-i associated with a continuous flow analytical (CFA) line for ice cores
– Optical spectrometer based on the VCOF technique (developed with LIPHY)
Mesurements of air isotopes : O2/N2, 18O and 17O of O2 ; 15N of N2 ; isotopes of argon, krypton
- Isotopic Ratio Mass Spectrometer Thermo MAT 253 associated with a gas extraction line
- Isotopic Ratio Mass Spectrometer Thermo Delta Q associated with a gas extraction and purification line (DIM PAMIR funding)
- Optical spectrometer based on the OF-CEAS technique for d18O of O2 in atmospheric air (collaboration with AP2E and LIPHY)
- Extraction line for noble gases (collaboration with Hefei University for 81Kr analysis)
Mesurements of major ions in polar ice (collection after CFA line)
– Ionic chromatography for anions and cations (Dionex 5000+)
Development of instrumented biological chambers
Field instruments :
- Optical spectrometer based on the CRDS technique – Picarro L2130-i for measurements of water vapor isotopes
- Optical spectrometer based on the OF-CEAS technique for measurements of water vapor isotopes (collaboration AP2E, LIPHY)
- Calibration instruments for field instruments listed above (Low humidity generator ; home made development)
- System for firn air pumping
Modeling tools :
The team is particularly involved in modelling the atmospheric water cycle, including isotopes, and in nevé modelling.
- CROCUS, snow model (collaboration LSCE-CEN MétéoFrance)
- MAR, regional atmospheric model with snow representation
- LMDZiso, atmospheric general circulation model (IPSL) including water isotopes (collaboration LSCE-LMD)
- DYNAMICO-LMDZ-ORCHIDEE, last version of the atmospheric general circulation model (IPSL) including possibility of regional configuration and a new snow scheme on ice sheets (collaboration LSCE-LMD)
- Flexpart, lagrangian reanalyses tool (collaboration Antoine Berchet, Thème 2) with development of humidity diagnostics.
We also collaborate regularly with the teams developing the ECHAM atmospheric model (AWI, Germany) and MESO-NH (CNRM, MétéoFrance).