Research engineer for the ESTIMR team.
SAMA and ESPRI-IA networks of IPSL .
Research Interests
Contributing to the development and the diffusion of statistical methods to study climate variability, and especially climate extremes.
Short tutorials / Vignettes
- Vignette presenting the R package ‘CDFt’ for bias-correction.
- Vignette presenting the R package ‘farr’ for the attribution of record events.
Codes / Packages
- gcoWrapR, a simple wrapper around the C++ library GCO to do Markov Random Field optimization over a regular grid in R.
- farr, an R package for the attribution of record events.
- R2D2, an R package for multivariate bias correction. For faster computer computation, a version interfaced with C is available here : C3PO. Use however at your own risks since this version has not been tested extensively.
Coordinator of the M2 ECLAT module: Introduction à l’analyse statistique de risques climatiques.
Materials I prepared for this course are available here.
Professional Experiences
Post-Doc at the Image Processing Laboratory of the University of Valencia. June 2016 – June 2017. “Review of causal inference applications in climate sciences” ERC Project SEDAL – supervisor: Gustau Camps-Valls. Post-Doc at the Centre National de la Recherche Meteorologique in Toulouse. January 2015 – Apri. 2016. ” Attribution of extreme events” Project Extremoscope – supervisors: Aurélien Ribes and Julien Cattiaux. PhD at Collecte Localisation Satellites in Ramonville Saint-Agne. November 2011 – November 2014. ” Trend and variability of the atmospheric water vapor: a mean sea level issue” Grant CNES – supervisors: Estelle Obligis, Laurence Eymard and Bruno Picard. Education
2014 – Doctorat en Océan, Atmosphère et Surfaces Continentales, Univ. P. Sabatier (Toulouse 3), Toulouse, France.
2011 – Diplome d’ingénieur et Master 2 Recherche : Mathématiques et Modélisation, INSA Toulouse – Univ. P. Sabatier (Toulouse 3), Toulouse, France.
2008 – DUT Statistiques et Traitement Informatique des Données, IUT-2 Grenoble,Grenoble, France.
2011 – Diplome d’ingénieur et Master 2 Recherche : Mathématiques et Modélisation, INSA Toulouse – Univ. P. Sabatier (Toulouse 3), Toulouse, France.
2008 – DUT Statistiques et Traitement Informatique des Données, IUT-2 Grenoble,Grenoble, France.
2006 – Baccalauréat S, Lycée J. Vilar, Plaisir, France.
P. Gonzalez, PhD student, LSCE, Dec. 2021 – present
co-advisor with J. Worms, P. Naveau and F. Bouchet.
P. Gonzalez, M2 student, LSCE, April. 2021 – Oct. 2021
co-advisor with J. Worms and P. Naveau.
V. Borse, PhD student, LSCE, Oct. 2020 – present
co-advisor with P. Yiou, D. Faranda and M. Vrac.
V. Michot, Post-doc, LATMOS, Jan. 2019 – June 2020
co-advisor with H. Brogniez, H. Chepfer and M. Vrac.
M. Garvik, M2 student, LSCE, Feb. 2020 – July. 2020
co-advisor with G. Mariethoz and M. Vrac.
M. Garvik, M1 student, LSCE, April. 2019 – Aug. 2019
co-advisor with G. Mariethoz and M. Vrac.
Scientific Publications
Submitted M. Krouma, P, Yiou, C. Déandreis and S. Thao. Assessment of stochastic weather forecast of precipitation near European cities, based on analogs of circulation, Geosci. Model Dev. Discuss. [preprint], https://doi.org/10.5194/gmd-2021-36, In review, 2021. M. Vrac, S. Thao, and P. Yiou. Changes in Temperature-Precipitation Correlations over Europe: Are Climate Models Reliable? Climate Dynamics, February 7, 2022. https://doi.org/10.21203/rs.3.rs-1008080/v1. In revision. M. Vrac, S. Thao, and P. Yiou. Should Multivariate Bias Corrections of Climate Simulations Account for Changes of Rank Correlation over Time? Earth and Space Science Open Archive, 2022, 30. https://doi.org/10.1002/essoar.10510318.1. Submitted M. D’Errico, P. Yiou, C. Nardini, F. Lunkeit, and D. Faranda. A Dynamical and Thermodynamic Mechanism to Explain Heavy Snowfalls in Current and Future Climate over Italy during Cold Spells. Earth System Dynamics Discussions 2020 (2020): 1–35. https://doi.org/10.5194/esd-2020-61. In revision … Published or accepted 2022 S. Thao, M. Garvik, G. Mariethoz, and M. Vrac. Combining Global Climate Models Using Graph Cuts. Climate Dynamics, accepted February 14, 2022. https://doi.org/10.21203/rs.3.rs-586868/v1. P. Naveau, S. Thao. Multi-model errors and emergence times in climate attribution studies. Journal of Climate, in Revision. Journal of Climate, accepted March 2022. https://doi.org/10.1175/JCLI-D-21-0332.1 2021 B. François, S. Thao, and M. Vrac. Adjusting Spatial Dependence of Climate Model Outputs with Cycle-Consistent Adversarial Networks. Climate Dynamics 57, no. 11 (December 1, 2021): 3323–53. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00382-021-05869-8. P.Yiou, D. Faranda, S. Thao, and M. Vrac. 2021. Projected Changes in the Atmospheric Dynamics of Climate Extremes in France. Atmosphere 12, no. 11: 1440. https://doi.org/10.3390/atmos12111440 D. Faranda, M. Vrac, P. Yiou, F. M. E. Pons, A. Hamid, G. Carella, C. Ngoungue Langue, S. Thao, and V. Gautard. Enhancing Geophysical Flow Machine Learning Performance via Scale Separation. Nonlinear Processes in Geophysics 28, no. 3 (2021): 423–43. https://doi.org/10.5194/npg-28-423-2021. 2020 M. Vrac and S. Thao. R2D2 v2.0: accounting for temporal dependences in multivariate bias correction via analogue rank resampling, Geosci. Model Dev., 13, 5367–5387, https://doi.org/10.5194/gmd-13-5367-2020, 2020 J. Rohmer, J. Louisor, G. Le Cozannet, P. Naveau, S. Thao, and X. Bertin. Attribution of extreme wave height records along the North Atlantic coasts using hindcast data: Feasibility and limitations. In: Malvárez, G. and Navas, F. (eds.), Global Coastal Issues of 2020. Journal of Coastal Research, Special Issue No. 95, pp. 1268-1272. Coconut Creek (Florida), ISSN 0749-0208. A. Ribes, S. Thao and J. Cattiaux. Describing the Relationship between a Weather Event and Climate Change: A New Statistical Approach, Journal of Climate, 33(15), 6297-6314. P. Yiou, J. Cattiaux, D. Faranda, N. Kadygrov, A. Jezequel, P. Naveau, A. Ribes, Y. Robin, S. Thao, G. J. van Oldenborgh and M. Vrac. Analyses of the Northern European Summer Heatwave of 2018, Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, 101(1), S35-S40 A. Jézéquel, E. Bevacqua, F. d’Andrea, S. Thao, R. Vautard, M. Vrac and P. Yiou. Conditional and residual trends of singular hot days in Europe Environ. Res. Lett. 15 064018 2019 A. Ribes, S.Thao, R. Vautard, B. Dubuisson, S. Somot, J. Colin, S. Planton, and J.-M. Soubeyroux. Observed increase in extreme daily rainfall in the french mediterranean. Climate Dynamics (2018). https://doi.org/10.1007/s00382-018-4179-2 2016 H. Douville, J. Colin, E. Krug, J. Cattiaux, and S. Thao. Mid-latitude daily summer temperatures reshaped by soil moisture under climate change. Geophysical Research Letters, 43(2):812–818, 2016. 2015GL066222. 2015 R. Vautard, G.-J. van Oldenborgh, S. Thao, B. Dubuisson, G. Lenderink, A Ribes, S Planton, Soubeyroux J.-M., and P. Yiou. Extreme fall 2014 precipitations in the cévennes mountain range, in « explaining extreme events of 2014 from a climate perspective ». Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, 96(12):S56–S60, 2015. S. Thao, L. Eymard, E. Obligis, and B. Picard. Comparison of regression algorithms for the retrieval of the wet tropospheric path delay. Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing, IEEE Journal of, PP(99):1–13, 2015. 2014 J.-F. Legeais, M. Ablain, and S. Thao. Evaluation of wet troposphere path delays from atmospheric reanalyses and radiometers and their impact on the altimeter sea level. Ocean Science, 10(6):893–905, 2014. S. Thao, L. Eymard, E. Obligis, and B. Picard. Trend and variability of the atmospheric water vapor: a mean sea level issue. Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanographics Technology, 31(9):1881–1901, September 2014. Divers