
The LSCE welcomes students for their internship at all levels: see our placement offers.
Bachelor’s degree

Discover the undergraduate courses in which the LSCE is involved.
Master’s degree

Discover the Master’s level courses in which the LSCE is involved.

Discover the Doctorate level courses in which the LSCE is involved.
LSCE staff are deeply involved in disciplinary and interdisciplinary teaching activities in the fields of climate, geosciences, the environment and the physics and chemistry of the atmosphere. Training through research, particularly at master’s and doctoral level, has been one of the laboratory’s missions since its creation. The construction of the Paris-Saclay University led to the creation in 2015 of the STePE (Earth and Planetary Sciences, Environment) Master’s degree, the primary objective of which is to train future researchers and engineers capable of meeting the major challenges imposed by climate change, based on training at the cutting edge of research. The LSCE is heavily involved in the ‘Geosciences, Climate, Environment, Planets’ Graduate School, which brings together students, researchers, professors and lecturers from 7 laboratories at the Paris-Saclay University. This master’s degree is part of the range of courses offered by the University of Paris-Saclay and the University of Versailles Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines (UVSQ).
The LSCE is a joint research unit of CEA, CNRS and UVSQ. Lecturers and professors from the UVSQ (9) and Université Paris-Cité (2) are attached to the LSCE. They teach at university undergraduate, master’s and doctoral levels and in the French High Schools (“grandes écoles”). The LSCE’s professors and lecturers provide more than 2,000 hours of teaching, mainly at the Observatoire de Versailles Saint-Quentin en Yvelines (OVSQ) and UFR des Sciences of the UVSQ, but also in other establishments in the Paris region.
The other LSCE staff who provide teaching courses (several dozen people) spend between 3 and 75 hours per person per year, which represents several hundred hours per year, on courses in environmental sciences, Earth sciences, physics or climate data analysis. Most of this teaching is carried out at Master’s level (mainly at the UVSQ, Université Paris Saclay, Université Paris Cité, Sorbonne Université, and in the engineering schools of Centrale-Supelec, ENS, ENSTA, X, Agro-Paris-Tech, etc.), with a contribution at Bachelor’s and Doctorate level as well.
Around sixty LSCE researchers are qualified to supervise PhD thesis (HDR or equivalent). The subjects proposed cover all the research themes developed at LSCE.
We teach at these universities: