Philippe PEYLIN

Funding source

2015-2019 Evaluation of the potential of forest biomass data from the ESA BIOMASS mission

Curriculum Vitae

Current & Past Positions

2010 – Present : Permanent research scientist at Laboratoire des Sciences du Climat et de l’Environnement (LSCE), in Gif-sur-Yvette, France for the National Center for Scientific Research (CNRS).

2001-2012: Permanent research scientist at Laboratoire de Biogéochimie et écologie des milieux continentaux (BIOEMCO), in Grignon, France for the National Center for Scientific Research (Le Centre national de la recherche scientifique; CNRS).

1999-2000: Post-doc at Laboratoire des Sciences du Climat et de l’Environnement (LSCE), in France.

1993-1995: Civil service at the National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR, Boulder, USA) where I studied the effect of the land surface processes on the atmosphere with a general circulation model.


1995 – 1998: PhD studies at the Laboratoire des Sciences du Climat et de l’Environnement (LSCE). Translated title: “Using 18O concentration of atmospheric CO2 to quantify the role of vegetation in the uptake of CO2 emissions from industrial activities. Supervisor: Philippe Ciais. PhD obtained at the Université Pierre et Marie Curie, Paris VI, France.

1995 – 1998: PhD studies at the Laboratoire des Sciences du Climat et de l’Environnement (LSCE). Translated title: “Using 18O concentration of atmospheric CO2 to quantify the role of vegetation in the uptake of CO2 emissions from industrial activities. Supervisor: Philippe Ciais. PhD obtained at the Université Pierre et Marie Curie, Paris VI, France.

1991 – 1992: Postgraduate degree in Oceanography, Meteorology and Environment (D.E.A. “océanologie, Météorologie et Environnement ”, Université Pierre et Marie Curie (Paris VI), France).

1990 – 1992: Degree in Land, Water and Forest Engineering. (Diplôme d’Ingénieur de l’Ecole Nationale du Génie Rural des Eaux et des Forets (ENGREF), Paris, France).

1988 – 1991: Degree in Agricultural Engineering (Diplôme d’Ingénieur Agronome de l’Institut National Agronomique de Paris-Grignon, France).

Scientific Publications

I have been involved in a wide range of environmental studies, focussed on various aspects of the carbon, water and energy cycles and including many collaborators across the world. I published over 110 papers in peer reviewed journals, including high profile journals (h-index of 40). As I still very much enjoy working on the nuts and bolts of models and numerical methods, I like to contribute to the technical aspects of the papers published by my students, post-docs and collaborators.

Full list of publications: Publication_list.docx

Selected list of publications:

  • Peylin, P., Bacour, C., MacBean, N., Leonard, S., Rayner, P. J., Kuppel, S., Koffi, E. N., Kane, A., Maignan, F., Chevallier, F., Ciais, P., and Prunet, P. 2016. A new stepwise carbon cycle data assimilation system using multiple data streams to constrain the simulated land surface carbon cycle, Geoscientific Model Development, 9, 3321-3346.
  • Barichivich, J., E. Gloor, P. Peylin, R. J. W. Brienen, J. Schöngart, J. C. Espinoza, K. C. Pattnayak, Recent intensification of Amazon flooding extremes driven by strengthened Walker circulation. Science Advances 4, eaat8785, 2018.
  • Bacour, C., Peylin, P., MacBean, N., Rayner, P. J., Delage, F., Chevallier, F., Weiss, M., Demarty, J., Santaren, D., Baret, F., Berveiller, D., Dufrene, E., and Prunet, P. 2015. Joint assimilation of eddy covariance flux measurements and FAPAR products over temperate forests within a process-oriented biosphere model, Journal of Geophysical Research-Biogeosciences, 120, 1839-1857.
  • Launois, T., Peylin, P., Belviso, S., and Poulter, B. 2015. A new model of the global biogeochemical cycle of carbonyl sulfide – Part 2: Use of carbonyl sulfide to constrain gross primary productivity in current vegetation models, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 15, 9285-9312.
  • Naudts, K., Ryder, J., McGrath, M. J., Otto, J., Chen, Y., Valade, A., Bellasen, V., Berhongaray, G., Boenisch, G., Campioli, M., Ghattas, J., De Groote, T., Haverd, V., Kattge, J., MacBean, N., Maignan, F., Merila, P., Penuelas, J., Peylin, P., Pinty, B., Pretzsch, H., Schulze, E. D., Solyga, D., Vuichard, N., Yan, Y., and Luyssaert, S. 2015. A vertically discretized canopy description for ORCHIDEE (SVN r2290) and the modifications to the energy, water and carbon fluxes, Geoscientific Model Development, 8, 2035-2065.
  • Kuppel, S., Peylin, P., Maignan, F., Chevallier, F., Kiely, G., Montagnani, L., and Cescatti, A. 2014. Model-data fusion across ecosystems: from multisite optimizations to global simulations, Geoscientific Model Development, 7, 2581-2597.
  • MacBean, N., and Peylin, P. 2014. Agriculture and the global carbon cycle, Nature, 515, 351-352, 2014.
  • Santaren, D., Peylin, P., Bacour, C., Ciais, P., and Longdoz, B.: Ecosystem model optimization using in situ flux observations: benefit of Monte Carlo versus variational schemes and analyses of the year-to-year model performances, Biogeosciences, 11, 7137-7158, 10.5194/bg-11-7137-2014, 2014.
  • Peylin, P., Law, RM., Gurney, K.R., Chevallier, F., Jacobson, A.R., Maki, T., Niwa, Y., Patra, P.K., Peters, W., Rayner, P.J., Rodenbeck, C., van der Laan-Luijkx, I.T., Zhang, X. 2013. Global atmospheric carbon budget: results from an ensemble of atmospheric CO2 inversions, Biogeosciences, 10, 6699-6720.
  • Cadule, P., Friedlingstein, P., Bopp, L., Sitch, S., Jones, C.D., Ciais, P., Piao, S.L., Peylin, P. 2010 Benchmarking coupled climate-carbon models against long-term atmospheric CO2 measurements, Global Biogeochemical Cycles, 24, GB2016.
  • Piao, SL; Fang, JY; Ciais, P; Peylin, P; Huang, Y; Sitch, S; Wang, T, The carbon balance of terrestrial ecosystems in China, NATURE, 458, 2009
  • P. Peylin, P. Bousquet, S. Sitch, C. Lequere, P. Friedlingstein, P.Ciais, et P.Tans, Multiple constraints on regional CO2 flux variations over land and oceans, Global Bio. Cycle, 19, GB1011 FEB 10, 2005.
  • P. Bousquet, P. Peylin, P. Ciais, C. Lequere, P. Friedlingstein, et P.Tans, Regional changes in carbon dioxide fluxes of land and oceans since 1980, Science, 290, 1342-1346, 2000.
  • Peylin P., Ciais P., Denning A.S., Tans P.T., Berry J.A. and White J.W.C., A three-dimensional study of 18O in atmospheric CO2 : contibution of different land ecosystem, Tellus, 51B, 642-667, 1999

Ongoing publications:

  • Peylin, P., et al. The new ORCHIDEE land surface model version V2.0 as used for the CMIP6 climate simulation intercomparison exercice.
  • Bastrikov et al., Land surface model parameter optimisation using in-situ flux data: comparison of gradient-based versus random search algorithms (a case study using ORCHIDEE v1.9.5.2)
  • Bacour, C. et al., Differences between OCO2 and GOME2 SIF products from a model-data assimilation perspective.
  • Druel et al., Modelling the dynamic of boreal shrubs and mosses in the ORCHIDEE land surface model: challenges and opportunities.
  • Raoult et al., Confronting Soil Moisture Dynamics from the ORCHIDEE Land Surface ModelWith the ESA-CCI Product: Perspectives for Data Assimilation.
  • Vuichard et al., Accounting for Carbon and Nitrogen interactions in the Global Terrestrial Ecosystem Model ORCHIDEE (rev 4999): multi-scale evaluation of gross primary production.