Philippe NAVEAU

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Laboratoire des Sciences du Climat et l'Environnement (LSCE) CNRS
Orme des Merisiers / Bat. 701 C.E. Saclay
91191 Gif-sur-Yvette FRANCE

Batiment 701 Pièce 60A

Home Publications ExtremesLearning (CNRS 80 PRIME Project)

My Research interests

Statistical climatology and hydrology, extreme value theory, time series analysis, spatial statistics. I am a member of the LSCE EstimR team.

Education and work experience

Professional responsabilities

Grants & Projects

  • Collaborator to the ANR-Trex project lead by Clément Dombry
  • Work Package Leader in ANR-MELODY project lead by Ronan Fablet
  • Collaborator to the Extremoscope project lead by Robert Vautard
  • Collaborator to the LEFE-INSU MultiRisk lead by Clementine Prieur
  • Collaborator to the ANR-McSim project lead by Jean-Noel Bacro
  • Principal Investigator of the “GIS PEPER” project jan 2010 – dec 2012
  • Work Package Leader of “probabilistic modelling of extreme avalanches” within projet ANR MOPERA
    (MOdelisation Probabiliste pour l’Evaluation du Risque Avalanche) lead by Nicolas Eckert, 2009-2012
  • Work Package Leader of WP3 (Extremes Events) of “FP7 European grant ACQWA (Assessing Climate impacts on the Quantity and quality of WAter), 2008-2011, lead by Martin Beniston
  • Principal Investigator of the “ Agence National de la Recherche” project “AssimilEx”, 2006- 2009
  • Principal Investigator of the National Science Foundation grant (USA) “Development of Spatio-temporal and Multi-resolution Methods in Climate”, 2004- 2007
  • Work Package Leader (WP3) of the European grant E2C2 “Extremes Events : Cause and Consequences” 2005-2008
  • Collaborator of the “The Weather and Climate Impact Assessment Science Initiative”, National Center Atmospheric Research (USA), 2004-2008Teaching experience

Past and current students and postdocs

  • Juliette Legrand, Ph student co-advisor with Pierre Ailliot, Valérei Monbet and Nicolas Raillard
  • Pauline Rivoire, PhD student co-advisor Olivia Rompannien
  • Philomène Le Gall, PhD student co-advisor Anne catherine Favre
  • Eva Marqués, PhD student co-advisor Valery Masson and Olivier Mestre
  • Gloria Buritica, PhD student co-advisor wth Olivier Wintenberger
  • Paul Platzer, Ph student co-advisor with Pierre Tandeao, Jean-Francois Fillipot and Pascal Yiou
  • Margaux Zaffran, Master 2
  • MAxime Taillardat, co-advisor wth Olivier Mestre and Anne-Laure Fougeres
  • Pascal Sielenou, MOPERA postdoc, co-advisor = Nicolas Eckert
  • Raphaël de Fondeville (internship), EVT + scoring, co-advisor = Dan Cooley
  • Helene Benveniste (internship), EVT + scoring, co-advisors = Rick Katz and Dan Cooley
  • Elsa Bernard (internship), EVT + pam, co-advisor = Mathieu Vrac
  • Isabelle Smith (postdoc ACQWA), EVT + downscaling
  • Anne Sabourin (PhD student, 2010-2012), EVT, co-advisor = Anne-Laure Fougeres
  • Théo Rietsch (PhD student, 2009-2011), EVT, co-advisor = Armelle Guillou
  • Julie Carreau (postdoc, 2007-2009), EVT + neural networks
  • Maalak Kallache (postdoc, 2008-2010), Downscaling, Bayesian Moving Averaging
  • Ophelie Guin (PhD student, 2008-2011), Bayesian Hiercharchical Modeling
  • Julien Gazeaux (PhhD student, 2007-2010), co-advisor = Slimane Bekki (LATMOS), state-space modeling
  • Alexis Hannart (PhD student, 2007-209), change point detections
  • Alexandre You (PhD student, 2006-2009), EVT, co-advisor = Armelle Guillou
  • Cedric Flecher (PhD, 2006-2009), co-advisors = Denis Allard and Nadine Brisson, skew-normal distributions
  • Mathieu Vrac (postdoc, 2006-2008), Downscaling
  • Christian Scholzel (postdoc, 2006-2008), EVT
  • Pierre Ribereau (postdoc, 2005-2006), EVT
  • Dan Cooley (PhD, 2002-2005), EVT
  • Deborah Batista and Jenny Fox (master, CU Boulder, 2005-2005), state-space modeling
  • Paul Poncet (2004) and Cyrille Jegat (2005) (master), EVT and state-space modeling

Teaching experience

  • Lecturer at Ecole Nationale de la Meteorologie, Toulouse 2009-today, time series analysis
  • Lecturer at Ecole Centrale Marseille 2008-2009, “Risques climatiques”
  • Lecturer at the E2C2 summer school on extremes (Roumania, 2-12 sept 2007)
  • Lecturer at a one-week summer school “”Statistiques et Sciences de l’Environnement” in Cargese, 2004
  • Extreme value theory, Statistical Methods at Colorado University (Spring 2003)
  • Calculus III at Colorado University (Spring 2003)
  • Statistical Methods at Colorado University (Fall 2002)
  • General Statistics, Introduction to Statistical methods, Statistics for Business Students at Colorado State University (1995-1998)

Distinctions and prizes

  • Prix La Recherche, mention Prix du Ministere (with 7 colleagues) (2006)
  • Prix Louis D. (2004). Prix scientifique de l’ Institut de France (shared among 12 scientists).
  • Young scientists award of The ISI International Conference on Environmental Statistics and Health (2003).
  • “The Moyal Prize in Applied Probability”, Colorado State University (1999).
  • “Madison Award for Outstanding Achievement”, Colorado State University (1997).