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Linking Acqua Alta events to Mediterranean cyclones in Venice  


Acqua Alta events in Venice, including the catastrophic floods of 1966, 2008, 2018 and 2019, have inflicted substantial damage on the city's cultural and economic heritage, including the iconic St Mark's Basilica, historic shops and beloved businesses such as Caffè Florian.

By investigating the attribution of these events to climate change and assessing the effectiveness of the MoSE's adaptation system, the research by Davide Faranda (LSCE-IPSL) and his French and Italian colleagues provides essential information that can inform effective strategies to safeguard Venice and other similar coastal cities against future climate challenges.

The results provide compelling evidence that changes in atmospheric circulation, while not solely attributable to human activities, are undeniably linked to the increased severity of these events, highlighting Venice's vulnerability to the impacts of climate change.

In addition, the study provides a comprehensive assessment of the MoSE system, a crucial adaptation infrastructure designed to mitigate flooding in Venice, and highlights its effectiveness in protecting the city from events with historical analogies, particularly those similar to the catastrophic flood of 1966.

Faranda, D., Ginesta, M., Alberti, T., Coppola E., Anzidei, M. Attributing Venice Acqua Alta events to a changing climate and evaluating the efficacy of MoSE adaptation strategynpj Clim Atmos Sci6, 181 (2023).

Davide Faranda
, LSCE-IPSL • ...

A. Mazaud, dépêche du 04/12/2023
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