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ENVironmental Research Infrastructure (ENVRI)
LSCE contributes to liaison activities


The ENVriomential Research Infrastructure (ENVRI) interacts with various other external stakeholders outside the (ESFRI) environmental RIs. Such stakeholders are for example national participants to the various ESFRIs, relevant Integrated Infrastructure Initiatives (I3 projects), (e-infrastructure) service providers, the Copernicus (GMES) programme, relevant international and global initiatives, such as GEO-GEOSS, global research programmes (WRCP, IGBP). Some of these are important for securing a sustainable collaboration; others are relevant for the delivery to wider user groups outside the specific scientific communities. Target groups need to be addressed within the project work.


The main objectives of the tasks 2 within the work package (WP) 2 are to coordinate the connections and relations to people outside of the project, the communication with target groups, and to regulate a foreseen bidirectional information flow. For the performance of the task, the work relies on a working group (WG).

The objective and role of the WG is to:

  • ensure the participation of ENVRI partners to key meetings, and ensure pro activity in contacting target groups
  • foster the contact to their individual ESFRIs communities for the benefit of ENVRI
  • help the Advisory Board in its external relations




You are very welcome to join our next organised meeting at EGU 2014:


"European Environmental Research Infrastructures and you!"
Tuesday, April 29th 2014, 7-8pm
Townhall Meeting, Austria Center Vienna (ACV), room B3

EGU registration is required to enter the meeting.
Drinks and snacks will be served.

Please find some detailed information online:

ENVRI is a EU FP7 funded project (

#39 - Last update : 08/22 2014
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