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New data about CO2 absorption  


For the first time, cement degradation through time was considered in terms of CO2 absorption by researchers of the Laboratory for climate and environmental sciences (LSCE, Gif-sur-Yvette France, CEA/ CNRS/ UVSQ). This carbon sink, which  is growing rapidely has to be taken onto account.

LSCE researchers have also conducted data analyses resulting in a more precise estimate of the exact role of the atmospheric CO2 regulation by soils and vegetation, with a strong reduction of uncertainties.

- Le rôle de la dégradation des ciments comme puits de carbone

- Une réduction spectaculaire de l’incertitude sur les puits de carbone


cp_donnees_puits_de_carbone.pdf (325 Ko)

A. Mazaud, dépêche du 17/12/2016
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