P. Yiou, Analogues of circulation and stochas/c weather generators, Workshop on “Statistical Inference for Stochastic Process Models in Weather and Climate Science”, Lorenz center, Leiden University (NL), Sept. 2018.
P. Yiou, Atmospheric dynamics and attribution of rare events, MathDACC Autumn school, Aussois, September 2017 [.pdf]
P. Yiou, Analogues of Circulation to Probe and Simulate Rare Events, IAC ETH Zurich Colloquium, 21 October 2016
P. Yiou, Weather generators to separate dynamical and thermodynamical contributions in climate event attribution, Workshop on Extreme events in the Earth and planetary sciences, Warwick University, July 2016 [.pdf]
P. Yiou, Stochastic weather generators and condi(onal detection and attribution of singular events, Conference on Stochastic Weather Generators (SWGEN), Vannes, May 2016 [.pdf]
P. Yiou, A few thoughts on the detection and attribution of extreme events conditional to the atmospheric circulation, NCAS Seminar, Dpt Meteorology, University of Reading, February 12 2016 [.pdf]
P. Yiou, Analogues of atmospheric circulation to probe rare and extreme events, AGU General Assembly, San Francisco, Dec. 2015 [.pdf]
D. Faranda, Butterflies, Black swans and Dragon kings: How to use the Dynamical Systems Theory to build a “zoology” of mid-latitude circulation atmospheric extremes? AGU General Assembly, San Francisco, Dec. 2015 [.pdf]
P. Yiou, Analogues of atmospheric circulation to probe extreme and rare events, Workshop on “Extreme Weather Events and Climate Change Attribution”, National Academy of Sciences, Washington DC, October 21-22, 2015 (invited) [.pdf]
P. Yiou, Analogues of atmospheric circulation to probe extreme and rare events, Workshop on understanding, modelling and predicting climate extremes, Oslo, Oct 2015 [.pdf]
D. Faranda, Extremes, recurrences and Attractors of the mid-latitude atmospheric circulation, Porquerolles, July 2015 [.pdf]
D. Faranda, A recurrence-based technique for detecting genuine extremes in instrumental records (invited), EVA conference, University of Michigan, Ann Arbour, June 2015 [.pdf]
P. Yiou, Challenges in mathematics and statistics for the study of climate extremes (invited), Congrès Société de Mathématiques Appliquées et Industrielles (SMAI), Les Karellis, June 2015 [.pdf]
P. Yiou, Butterflies, black swans and dodos: Analogues of circulation to investigate extreme climate events, Workshop on “Nonlinear Dynamics, Extremes, Geohazards and Predictability of the Earth System”, Hamburg, May 2015 (invited) [.pdf]
Y. Robin, Distances, Analogues and Dynamics, Workshop on ” Extreme events and random perturbations in dynamical systems”, Porquerolles, May 2015 [.pdf]
N. Schaller et al., Human influence on climate in the 2014 Southern England winter floods and their impacts, EGU General Assembly, Vienna, April 2015 [.pdf]
P. Yiou, Weather and event generators based on analogues of atmospheric circulation, EGU General Assembly, Vienna, April 2015 (invited) [.pdf]
P. Yiou, Les analogues de circulation atmosphérique: un peu de théorie, beaucoup d’applications, Seminar CNRM, Toulouse (France), 25 November 2014 [.pdf]
P. Yiou and A. Arakelian, Weather and event generators based on analogues of atmospheric circulation (invited), 2nd conference on stochastic weather generators, Avignon (France), 16-19 September 2014 [.pdf]
M. Chiriaco et al., 10 ans de cycle diurne des nuages au SIRTA : une analyse en régimes de temps, Journées SIRTA, Palaiseau (France), June 2014 [.pdf]
P. Yiou: Animation Thème Modélisation, Saclay (France), 8 April 2014: The A2C2 project [.pdf]
P. Yiou: Workshop Rare & Extreme in Aber Wrac’h (France), 24-28 March 2014: Butterflies and black swans: Analogues of atmospheric circulation (invited) [.pdf]
P. Yiou: Workshop “Mecastats & climat”, Saclay (France), 6 March 2014, Analogues of atmospheric circulation: A tool to investigate rare events [.pdf]
D. Faranda, M.C. Alvarez-Castro, S. Vaienti, P. Yiou, A recurrence-based technique for detecting genuine extremes in instrumental temperature records, AGU General Assembly San Francisco, Dec. 2014
M. Chiriaco et al., European heatwave in July 2006: how local processes amplify favorable large-scale conditions, 7th International Scientific Conference on the Global Water and Energy Cycle, The Hague, 14-17 July 2014 [.pdf]
P. Yiou, La petite face cachée du chaos climatique (the A2C2 project), CEA video.
P. Yiou, Les extrêmes d’un climat qui change, Institut d’Etudes Scientifiques de Cargèse, Cargèse, 12 Novembre 2015.
P. Yiou, Les évènements extrêmes : des papillons et des cygnes noirs, les facéties du climat (invited), Université d’été de “Sauvons le Climat“, Bordeaux, 3-4 October 2014 [.pdf]