

Winter School: Physics and Mathematics of Turbulent Flows at Different Scales

A2C2 proudly supports the Winter School on the Physics and Mathematics of Turbulent Flows at Different Scales, which will be held in Les Houches (France) on 24th Feb. to 1st March 2019.

The school will present recent advances on the physics and mathematics of turbulent flows at different scales, ranging from laboratory to geophysical systems. Four main streams of activities will be explored, based on the paradigms of deterministic chaotic systems, stochastic dynamics, theory of turbulence, and statistical mechanics.

More information on the programme and registration can be found here.

The 14th IMSC

A2C2 proudly supports the 14th International Meeting on Statistical Climatology (IMSC). The IMCS will be held in Toulouse, France, on June 24-28, 2019.

These meetings, which have been held roughly every three years since 1979, are organized by independent statisticians, climatologists and atmospheric scientists. They facilitate communication between the climate and statistics communities and promote good statistical practice in climate and atmospheric science (see

Abstract submission is now open. The deadline for abstract submission is February 20, 2019.

The list of sessions is provided below* and further information can be found on the conference website:

Registration will open soon; the registration fee is not frozen at this stage but should be around 400€ (300€ for early-bird before mid-April). It will include lunches, coffee breaks, a conference dinner and public transportation in Toulouse.

Please feel free to disseminate this announcement and/or contact the local organizing committee at: .
We look forward to receiving your contributions.

WPS training session

The first training session on the “blackswan” WPS will take place at IPSL (LOCEAN, Jussieu) on March 15th 2018.

“blackswan” is one of the birds of the WPS that is dedicated to statistical diagnostics of the atmospheric circulation (analogues, weather regimes, etc.).

The instructions to install and run the WPS can be found here.


  • 9:00 – 9:15 : Accueil des participants
  • 9:15 – 9:30 : Présentation de l’atelier, Pascal Yiou
  • 9:30 – 10:00 : ESGF et les enjeux de CMIP6, Sébastien Denvil [.pdf]
  • 10:00 – 10:45 : Les oiseaux du WPS birdhouse, flyingpigeon, hummingbird, black swan, Nikolay Kadygrov [.pdf]
  • 10:45 – 11:30 : Les analyses climato-statistiques du WPS, Pascal Yiou [.pdf]
  • 11:30 – 12:15 : Présentation du TP, Soulivanh Thao et Nikolay Kadygrov
  • Déjeuner libre
  • 13:30 – 16:30 : Travail pratique sur une machine virtuelle de l’IPSL, Q&A sur l’installation du WPS, Nikolay Kadygrov, Soulivanh Thao, Pascal Yiou
  • 16:30 : Fin de l’atelier et debrieffing

Useful links


Workshop on Dynamical Systems in Atmospheric Sciences

We are pleased to announce the second workshop on dynamical systems to atmospheric sciences. The workshop will be help in the new ICE building (LSCE, Orme des Merisiers, Bât 714) on 8-9 October 2018.

Programme draft

The workshop programme is available here.

If you want to make a short presentation (EGU style) on your results, please contact Pascal Yiou or Davide Faranda.


The workshop is free, but you need to register at:

Fall School on the Mathematics for Detection and Attribution

We are glad to announce the coming of the school “MathDACC”, in Aussois, 24-29 Sept. 2017.

This advanced school on the mathematics for the detection and attribution of climate change. The school is supported by A2C2. It is organised by Philippe Naveau and Anne-Laure Fougère,

Information can be obtained here.

Workshop on “Applications of statistical-mechanics and dynamical systems to climate”

We are pleased to announce a workshop on the applications of statical-mechanics and dynamical systems to climate. The workshop will be held at LSCE (Orme des Merisiers, Bat 712, P. 100) on 15-16 November 2016.


15 November (LSCE* – Bat 712 Pièce 100)

Presentations are available in pdf format.

10h00 Friedrichs P. (Bonn University) ‘Predicting spatial weather extremes’
10h45 Yiou P. (LSCE) ‘Conditional Attribution of climate extremes’ [.pdf]
11h30 Dubrulle B. (SPEC -CNRS) ‘Towards understanding the Maximum Entropy Production principle’

12h30 Lunch at the cafeteria

14h00 Vaienti S. (CPT Marseille) ‘Extreme Value theory in Dynamical Systems’ [.pdf]
14h45 Moloney N. (LML London) ‘An overview of the Extremal index’ [.pdf]

15h30 Coffee break

16h00 Manneville P. (Ecole Polytechnique) ‘About turbulence decay via extremes’ [.pdf] The video is available here [.mov].
16h45 Messori G. (Stockolm University) ‘Windstorms over Europe’ [.pdf]

16 November (LSCE* – Bat 712 Pièce 100)

10h00 Naveau P. (LSCE) ‘Modelling jointly low, moderate and heavy rainfall intensities’ [.pdf]
10h45 Sato Y. (Hokkaido University) ‘Stochastic bifurcation in random logistic maps’
11h30 Faranda D. (LSCE) ‘Stochastic attractors in a turbulent swirling flow’ [.pdf]

12h30 Lunch at the cafeteria

20h00 Workshop Dinner (Restaurant ‘Rice and Fish’ 16 et 22, rue Greneta, Paris**)


* From Paris : take the RER-B train direction Sud, Destination ‘Massy Palaiseau’. Change at Massy-Palaiseau with the bus 91.06/91.10 to ‘Christ de Saclay’. Bus Stop: ‘Orme des Merisiers’. Then enter Orme des Merisiers. The big construction should be on your right. Bâtiment 712 is on the left. The meeting room (pièce 100) is on the first floor.

A happy nonlinear crowd after a feast of sushi.

**Metro stop : Etienne Marcel (Line 4) – Chatellet les Halles (RER B)

Contacts and Organisers

Pascal Yiou, Florence Gerry, Davide Faranda
For more information please contact:

pdf version of the programme


New book

This is a shameless promotion of the book on climate extremes (with a preface from Jean Jouzel) that is published by Buchet Chastel.


Make room in your calendar :

A “fall school” on statistical and mathematical tools for the study of climate extreme will take place in Cargèse (Corsica) from 9 to 13 November 2015.